The world of Girisha

Our story starts peacefully in Girisha, a mostly arid and dry place with rolling dunes and a desert landscape, places of green infrequently dot Girisha with these areas housing most of the population. Girisha was once cursed by Nyx, this curse removing almost all the moisture from the land, creating large deserts and dry mud. The seas that surround the land slowly became more acidic as the curse continued to dry up the landscape and are now almost uninhabitable by most races. The Curse of Nyx happened close to 300 years ago and during this time science and technology has grown exponentially. Through their scientific advancements the people of Girisha began to regrow the trees and grassy plains that were once abundant.
On one side of Girisha the great leaders of the city of Athens prepare to vote on who will be their new leader, a power that has been held by politicians and bureaucrats for centuries, those in power voted in by what Athens calls a Democracy. On the other side the ruthless warriors of the city of Sparta start their preparations to crown new chieftains, a proud but ignorant people who elect two new chiefs every 4 cycles. Safe havens like Athens and Sparta are centres for life, technology, and worship. Sparta holds festivals to Iroas within its mighty Colosseum and is the main source or Iroas’ prayers. Athens controls its empire across the waves by having impressive trade relations with all its vassals, worshiping Ephara and Thassa to guide them in commerce and trade. The largest island in the Aegean Sea, Crete is home to the famous temple of Purphoros, where the legendary weapons wielded by the heroes of the gods are created. Crete is also its own nation, gaining its independence from Atticka only 50 years ago.
Karpathos’s islands by land mass are larger than Crete, however the islands are broken up into 5 smaller, but still exceptionally large pieces of land. Geographically the islands of Karpathos are a marvel to the world, when the Curse of Nyx was brought upon the world, she elected to save a small portion of it, this being the islands of Karpathos. Scientifically the islands lead the world in new research and are the sole producer of the airships that can be seen sailing through the sky. The islands float half a mile above the acidic Aegean Sea seemingly held up by the magic of Nyx itself. One of the islands of Karpathos houses the Observatory of Keranos a scientific institute that studies Nyx, the constellations, and the stories they tell in their movement. A priest or Oracle from the Observatory of Keranos can usually predict the next large battle between a Hero and their next foe, using this information to evacuate entire cities if needs be. There are other, smaller islands dotted around the Aegean Sea such as Thasos, Skiros, and Limos. Each of these islands forms a strong trade route with both Athens and Heraklion, providing goods like salt, wine, and fabrics. Each of the different islands has its own beliefs but all come under the rule of Atticka, many worshipers praying to Ephara and Thassa but also to Kruphix.
Custom Prestige Classes

Custom Magic Items
The below collection of magic items contains some items that were written by WotC. I don't claim any art to be mine.
Maps of Girisha
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